Adults Only
This course is designed for serious students who wish to attain a level of advanced Itqan in memorizing and reciting the Holy Quran. Through this One-on-One Class, Adult students will learn advanced topics in Qiraat through repetition. Students who complete the program attain an official Hafiz Ijaza with a Sanad that attests to their skill and which lines back to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Any Age
Class Size
Tution Fee
At Muslimeto™, we are blessed and proud to be serving Thousands of Muslim families around the world through quality, dedication, and innovation
We aim to delight students with the best learning experience that cultivates their love to learn the Holy Quran, Arabic Language, and Islamic Studies.
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Muslimeto™ is not affiliated with or subordinate to any organization, group, and/or Mosque anywhere, whether inside or outside of the USA.