International Dot Day

Have You Ever Heard of DOT DAY??
It all started when “Vashti” believed she couldn’t draw, her teacher encouraged her to draw, even if it were a simple mark. Vashti drew… A DOT ….

What her teacher did next was ever so kindly ask her to sign it. She then framed it, and hung it in her office. When Vashti saw the hanged dot, she was sppechless and this simple act motivated her to do better… as time went by Vashti discovered that she was a creative artist after all!

This story inspired many teachers to keep encouraging their students to do their best, and to truly believe that everyone has a hidden talent waiting to be discovered.

On this day, we commend all of our teachers who share this philosophy, the ones who never give up on their students, the ones who truly believe deep down that it is their responsibility to guide students in finding their talents, strengths and teaching them how to apply them in life. Jazakum Allah Khairan!

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