After fasting for long hours during the day, some people find it hard to resist the temptation to feast on Iftar. Sadly, this may result in indigestion and weight gain. Ramadan is a great chance to start following healthy eating habits and getting on the right path to a healthy lifestyle. These 10 simple but golden tips will help maintain our body weight for the rest of Ramadan and even afterwards insha’Allah.

Avoid overeating

Sometimes we fall under the delusion that we should eat all that we can at Iftar, and even keep this going until Suhoor to compensate for the hunger of the day. Sadly, this is a huge mistake; overeating only leads to digestion difficulties and stomachache.

After eating dates, have soup and salad first

Following Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah (saw) and its magical health benefits goes a long way! Starting your Iftar with dates has so many benefits; dates are free from cholesterol, contain very low fat, are rich in proteins and vitamins, and are great for bone health. Salads and soups provide variety and wonderful nutrition. salads are packed with essential vitamins, calcium, and fibers, and are a really good choice for a healthy diet. On the other hand, soups are a great way to stay hydrated and full, all while boosting your immune system, subhanAllah.

Re-hydrate yourself with plenty of water

Drinking sufficient amounts of water every day is vital for regulating our body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing infections, promoting healthy blood circulation to deliver nutrients to cells, and keeping organs functioning adequately. Also, sufficient hydration improves sleep quality, comprehension, and mood.

Avoid high-fat, high-sugar foods

The risks of high intakes of high-fat and high-sugar foods are not limited to obesity. These diets may cause heart disease and diabetes, plus they can affect our blood pressure and cognition. So, it is best to avoid them in your daily diet.

Go with low-fat dairy products

This one goes under avoiding high-fat food. It’s better to check the labels before you buy your dairy products; if it has 3 grams of fat or less for every 100 calories, go for it.

Replace Seasonal Ramadan delicacies  with fruit salad every now and then

During this festive time of family gatherings, it’s easy to overindulge in Ramadan desserts. Being mindful of our consumption is essential, remember your doing this for your health.

Limit the use of cooking oil and fried food whenever possible

Always opt for low-fat options by avoiding oil and deep-fried food. Frying happens at extremely high temperatures which contain trans fats; this sadly puts us at risk of many diseases.

Resist the urge to feast

It’s Ramadan and we’re fighting many temptations, let’s add this to the list too. Keep track of what you eat; a food journal might help you stay focused and mindful of your eating habits.

Enjoy each mouthful of your food; chew slowly

Eating slowly helps us enjoy our food and feel full quicker. This not only gives the stomach a better chance to digest, it also gives our brain a chance to receive and decode satiety signals that indicate that we are full and satisfied.

Walk every day for at least half an hour

It is no secret that a healthy lifestyle can never be complete without regular exercise. If you’re not into a specific kind of sports, a half-hour daily walk is a good place to start.

It is no secret that a healthy lifestyle can never be complete without regular exercise. If you’re not into a specific kind of sports, a half-hour daily walk is a good place to start.