Dhul-Hijjah is a very sacred and special month for the entire Muslim Ummah all over the world! Muslims strive to make the most of this special time, but it is a lot more meaningful if we earn the rewards not just with Ibadah, but with a true understanding of the essence and reasons behind the I’badat and rituals of this month!

1. Why Is it prohibited for pilgrims and those who have made the intention to sacrifice to trim their hair or clip their nails?
Imam Nawawi stated that according to many scholars “when Allah Ta’ala grants salvation from Hellfire, every part of our body is included” [SharhSaheeh Muslim, vol. 5 pg. 120].
May Allah (swt) grant us the blessing of visiting Al-Ka’aba and performing Hajj, amen <3
2. Why do we perform Tawaf in a counter-clockwise direction?
The moon revolves around the earth, the earth and all the other planets revolve around the sun, and the entire solar system revolves around our galaxy… all moving in a counterclockwise manner. SubhanAllah, it only makes sense that we perform Tawaf in a counter-clockwise direction too!
3. What is the the Blackstone and why is it important and holy?
The significance of the Blackstone is that Allah (swt) sent it down from Jannah. It is also the only surviving stone from the original structure built by Prophet Ibrahim and his son, Prophet Isma’il, (peace be upon them both).
4. Why do pilgrims perform Rajm Al-Shaytan?
Pilgrims stone Al-Shaytan following the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). It’s also a reminder of the Shaytan’s deceit in whispering to Prophet Ibrahim (as) in an attempt to make him object Allah’s order.
5. What’s the importance of Mounts Al- Safa and Al-Marwa and why do pilgrims perform Sa’i between them?

Muslims Perform Sa’i between mounts Safa and Marwa in commemoration of the role of Assayeda Hajar. Allah (swt) wants to remind us of her patience and endurance of the commands of Allah (swt). She (as) kept walking between Safa and Marwa in search of water for her infant son Isma’il (as) until Allah (swt) guided her. She was such a great believer, mother figure and role model!
While many of us are unable to make the blessed journey this year, our hearts and prayers are with those undertaking the holy pilgrimage of Hajj. May we all get to be there one day, Insha’Allah <3