Charity is a means of purifying oneself, earning forgiveness, and pleasing Allah (swt). It is also a great opportunity to follow the teachings of Islam and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), let alone, implement the Five Pillars of Islam in our lives.
Fortunately, since it’s Ramadan your reward will be multiplied! May Allah (swt) accept our deeds and efforts to please Him, amen. Are you wondering why charity is more emphasized during Ramadan
Charity, Sadaqah, or Zakat is one of the five main pillars of Islam. As well as Ramadan which also happens to be the best chance for Muslims to get closer to Allah (swt); as it is a month filled with prayer and compassion that softens our hearts. So, by doing charity in Ramadan while fasting, we’ll be actually reviving two of these pillars altogether. Plus, our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said in his Hadith “The best act of charity is carried out in the month of Ramadan.”
Besides, charity in Ramadan has some special virtues and immense rewards, for example:
1- Increase in Barakah
In His holy Quran, Allah (swt) says ” The example of those who spend their wealth in the cause of Allah is that of a grain that sprouts into seven ears, each bearing one hundred grains. And Allah multiplies ˹the reward even more˺ to whoever He wills. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing. ” Quran (2:261)
2- Earning Forgiveness
Giving from what we love purifies our souls and helps atone for our sins. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “Salat is clear proof, and Sawm (fasting) is an impregnable shield, and Sadaqah (charity) extinguishes sins just as water extinguishes fire.”
3- Coming Closer to Allah (swt)
It is known that charity is one of the most loved deeds to Allah (swt). Making sure to give charity and getting involved in charitable work make us happy, bring us closer to Allah(swt), and allow us to gain vast rewards, especially in the blessed month of Ramadan.
4- Helping the Needy
Giving charity helps support those who are less privileged, and since Ramadan is the month of compassion and empathy, it is the perfect time to do so. It is a holy win-win situation where everyone is happy and blessed with Barakah!
5- Uniting the Muslim Community
Charity is a duty in our Islamic faith. It aims to make us feel what the less fortunate may be going through and help with it. It is what Muslims should do for each other and in fact, it results in a more united, compassionate, and strong Ummah. As Prophet Muhammad said “You see the believers as regards their being merciful among themselves and showing love among themselves and being kind, resembling one body, so that, if any part of the body is not well then the whole body shares the sleeplessness (insomnia) and fever with it.”
6- Humanity & Solidarity

Last and definitely not least, this Ramadan, we have a duty more than ever to give to our brothers and sisters in Palestine. They have endured what no one can imagine, and as the whole world stands in awe of what is happening to them, most of us find ourselves heartbroken and helpless.
This Ramadan, let’s find ways to donate to this holy cause, a cause for humanity, Islam and justice.May Allah (swt) keep them steadfast, keep them from harm, and may he Free Palestine this Ramadan with our sincere du’a and prayers!