Did you know that the 8th of August of every year is dedicated in commemoration of cats? It is said that Prophet Muhammad had a cat called “Muezza”. One time, when Muezza was sleeping, the call to prayers (Athan) was heard, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was about to wear his robe to go to prayers when he found Muezza sleeping on the sleeve. Instead of disrupting her nap… He cut off part of his sleeve to leave it in peace!
Although the accuracy of this incident has not been validated by many, there is no doubt that Islam commands us to be kind and merciful to all of Allah’s creatures.
Here are 5 interesting facts about cats in Islam!
1- Cats were a very popular pet at the time of the prophet.
2- One of his companions had such tremendous affection for cats, he was famously known as “Abu Huraira” – meaning Father of Kittens!
3. Cat Saliva is harmless unless it has visible impurities in its mouth.
4- Cats should be allowed to roam freely and can not be tied up or confined.
5- The mistreatment of cats or any other living creature is a serious sin in Islam.