Charity in Ramadan has some special virtues and immense rewards. In this article, we’ll discuss a few of them…
The Many Virtues of Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa
Al-Quds is held in a great status in Islam for its many virtues. Here are a few of these virtues..
15 Tips To Attain Great Mental Health
Maintaining good mental health boosts our confidence and makes us happy across different aspects of life. It is so easy to get lost in the Thicke of life, and we forget to take some time out to nurture ourselves, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Better mental health boosts our performance as individuals in everything we do, as parents, spouses, or even in the workplace. For example, exercising regularly releases negative energy in our bodies and promotes the secretion of lots of happy hormones. These 15 tips are centered around being mindful of your own needs.
1- Get plenty of sunlight.
2- Eat well.
3- Get a good night’s rest.
4- Don’t forget your prayers.
5- Learn how to connect with others.
6- Surround yourself with positive people.
7- Exercise daily.
8- Manage stress effectively.
9- Be helpful to others.
10- Don’t feel ashamed of prioritizing your needs.
11- Do the things you love.
12- Avoid drugs and alcohol.
13- Cut out bad or unhealthy habits.
14- Take up a new hobby.
15- Give yourself time.
It is also important to know that sometimes, putting yourself first is good for everyone else in your life, not just YOU.
World Animal Day!
As always, Islam has always called for kindness in everything we do; especially when it comes to treating a weaker creature; let it be a human, an animal, or even a plant. Islam commands Muslims to treat animals with compassion, and it forbids abusing them. In numerous Qur’anic verses and Hadiths, it was clarified that animals should be treated with dignity and due care. These aspects of kindness towards animals were reflected in Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)’s Hadith “A good deed done to an animal is just as noble as a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is just as bad as an act of cruelty to a human being.”.
Not only that, but in Surat Al-An’am, Allah swt shows us that there is a lot of similarity between human and animal communities, with an intent to highlight that being human doesn’t make us much different, and that we should give due respect to all creatures.
May Allah swt soften our hearts and bless us with compassion and mercy ❤
6 Tips on how to support Alzheimer’s patients
Some of the symptoms include:
– Repeating the same sentences or questions repeatedly.
– Forgetting appointments or recent conversations.
– Forgetting the names of close people.
– Having trouble finding words.
– Being unaware of their place.
– Losing track of time.
– Having trouble remembering to carry out their daily routine.
– Sudden unexplained mood swings.
– Distrusting others.
– Depression and fear, that may lead to violence.
Little changes in how you deal with someone with Alzheimer’s can help make them feel more at ease. These tips are a good example for how we can help and support them:1- Have calm, clear, and slow conversations so they can comprehend easily.
2- Applying a simple daily routine makes things more familiar for them.
3- Be patient and gentle with them.
4- Offer them a relaxing atmosphere, free of stress or triggers.
5- Surround them with family and friends.
6- Let them feel your love and support.
5 Lessons from Prophet Muhammad’s Life
The twelfth of Rabi’ Al-Awwal marks the day on which the best of all mankind was born, Prophet Muhammad! He (pbuh) was known to be a remarkable person, so much so, that even non-Muslim scholars and historians have acknowledged him as an exceptional person. There are countless stories about the form of life that Prophet Muhammad embraced, how he treated his companions and those around him, and how he conveyed to the entire world the purest and best of morals. Speaking of non-Muslim scholars and historians, Gandhiji had said, “I wanted to know the best of the life of one (Muhammad) who holds today an undisputed sway over the hearts of millions of mankind. I became more than ever convinced that it was not the sword that won a place for Islam in those days, it was the rigid simplicity, the utter self-effacement of the Prophet, the scrupulous regard for pledges, his intense devotion to his friends and followers, his intrepidity, his fearlessness, his absolute trust in God and in his own mission.
Here are 5 of many lessons to learn from the richness of Prophet Muhammad’s character and life. May Allah grant us all the honor, joy, and pleasure of joining the Prophet in Al-Jannah insha’Allah <3
1- Honesty
Before his Prophet-hood, Prophet Muhammad was known as Al-Sadeq Al-Ameen (the honest and trustworthy) by all people. Although, back at this time, merchants used to go after more profit even if it involved lying to or deceiving their customers, Prophet Muhammad was loved by everyone for his honesty and integrity, whether it came to his life affairs or trades.
2- Humbleness
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the best example for humbleness. He ate what his people ate and wore what they wore. He (pbuh) forgave his enemies and those who hurt and spread lies about him. He treated everyone with respect, his friends, family, followers, and even enemies.
3- Consistency
His dedication in leading Assayeda Khadija’s massive trade and most importantly in promoting and spreading Allah’s message despite the hardships he had to face doing so was the most inspiring thing ever. He was always driven by his faith in Allah (swt).
4- Listening to other people’s advice
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) always listened to the advice and opinions of his companions. This is called Shura, and Prophet Muhammad relied on it before going through major decisions that affect the Muslim Ummah. This strengthened his leadership and resulted in the optimum decision-making.
5- Resourcefulness
Prophet Muhammad was keen on learning new things and finding other perspectives on different matters. He (pbuh) strived so he can put everything to good use, with the guidance of Allah (swt). He believed that knowledge brings us closer to the Almighty. He even encouraged all Muslims to attain knowledge and learn new information.
These are just a few of Prophet Muhammad’s beautiful traits, ones that made him the best man who has ever lived. For Muslims, he (pbuh) is the last and most perfect Prophet and for non-Muslims, he is considered as a respected, admirable, and eloquent person who has millions of people following his Sunnah up to this day, Alhamdulilah.
May we all learn from his life lessons and be granted the blessing of applying it and following in his footsteps, amen <3
International Dot Day
Have You Ever Heard of DOT DAY??
It all started when “Vashti” believed she couldn’t draw, her teacher encouraged her to draw, even if it were a simple mark. Vashti drew… A DOT ….
What her teacher did next was ever so kindly ask her to sign it. She then framed it, and hung it in her office. When Vashti saw the hanged dot, she was sppechless and this simple act motivated her to do better… as time went by Vashti discovered that she was a creative artist after all!
This story inspired many teachers to keep encouraging their students to do their best, and to truly believe that everyone has a hidden talent waiting to be discovered.
On this day, we commend all of our teachers who share this philosophy, the ones who never give up on their students, the ones who truly believe deep down that it is their responsibility to guide students in finding their talents, strengths and teaching them how to apply them in life. Jazakum Allah Khairan!
International Day of Charity

Charity is considered one of the most lovable deeds to Allah (swt). Thus, He has emphasized its great importance and reward on many occasions in numerous verses (Ayahs) of the Holy Quran. In Suratul-Qasas for instance, Allah swt said “Twice will they be given their reward, for that they have persevered, that they avert Evil with Good, and that they spend (in charity) out of what We have given them.”
Lucky for us, charity has many forms in Islam; it could be money, food, clothes, a gentle word, or even a kind smile. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “Your smile in the face of your brother is charity, commanding good and forbidding evil is charity, you giving directions to a man who has lost his way is charity. You seeing for a man with bad sight is a charity, your removal of a rock, a thorn or a bone from a path is charity. Your pouring from your bucket into the bucket of your brother is charity”. This is intended; to make charity attainable for every Muslim to partake in and enjoy its vast rewards and its positive and spiritual significance.
Charity or Sadaqah also spreads love and kindness between people, it reduces poverty in society, fosters a sense of unity and responsibility among people, not to mention that it brings peace and comfort to the hearts of both, the giver and receiver.
May we always be a cause for the joy of others, and may our kindness beautify the world and make it a better place for everyone around us <3
Facts about Suicide
On World Suicide Prevention Day, it is important to let others know that you are there for them no matter what, and that Allah always has his ways, and that he never gives up on us. There is always hope!
It is important to stay in tune with the people in our lives; because the key to suicide prevention is spotting the signs early on. We must take any hint of suicidal thoughts or comments very seriously. There may be less obvious signs, such as a disinterest in caring for one’s life, for example by rejecting to eat, drink, neglecting serious wounds, lacking a need to escape in situations of clear danger such as fire or drowning.
We should deal with the above signs in a very sensible manner. Always refrain from blame, guilt, or shaming, instead, it is best to remind and reassure them that their life is a precious gift from Allah, and that they should fight for their lives as they go through tough ordeals or injustices; trusting that there is always a silver lining, and that Allah’s plan is always the best.
Most importantly, it is crucial to help them see a professional who can help them from a medical stance, depression is a real illness and just like any other medical condition, it needs medical attention. May Allah save them, ease their pain and enlighten their hearts with guidance, direction.and inner peace, Amen <3
6 Tips to Support a Cancer Patient

September is all about spreading Cancer Awareness!
Getting diagnosed with Cancer yourself, or friends and family is never easy. However; it is always important to know how to best support yourself and others when going through this ordeal. Raising awareness is essential for early detection and treatment. There are many types of cancer, and they can be divided into two main categories:
– Blood related Cancers; such as Leukemia.
– Solid Cancerous Tumors affecting body organs and tissues; such as Breast Cancer or Lung Cancer.
The main difference between these different kinds of cancers is how they spread, and how they may respond to different treatments; some require surgery while others are treated with drugs and Chemotherapy. Here are six tips to emotionally support a Cancer patient:
1- Treat them the same way as you did before.
2- Always make flexible plans, help them feel free to cancel or reschedule if needed.
3- Be humorous and fun; exchanging funny light conversation can brighten their day.
4- Check-in regularly to make them feel cared for and supported.
5- Allow them to share their feelings and concerns with you, no matter how uncomfortable the topic may be for you.
6- Last but not least, pray for them and make dua’.
“O Allah, the Lord of the people! Remove the trouble and heal the patient, for You are the Healer. No healing is of any avail but Yours; healing that will leave behind no ailment.”